Memory – a long outreaching string of recollection, of interconnecting fragments joining to form a deep backtrack into the past
Dream - a swirl of fuzzy thoughts. Endless and free flowing
Anxiety – confusion, of being lost and overwhelmed. The feeling of paranoia and the angst of the unknown
Desire – a deep feeling of longing, yet ever moving away as u run towards it. A sense of desperation as you try to reach the goal.
Confinement – trapped and surrounded, boxed in
Terror – screaming voices of pain. Sharp jagged edges of danger and dark mysterious unknowns
Extracting aspects of the A2 collage and experiences of my exploration of Sydney’s alleyways, the conclusion I came up with was one of darkness, eeriness and deterioration. This was due to the fact that the weather at that day was utmost miserable. Hence, in trying to present these feelings into a 3d model, I tried to express these feelings through physical manipulations in the model.
Here I tried to convey the sense of confinement through the narrowing of the ‘alleyway’ , and the seemingly squeezing in as you walk through it. The feeling of deterioration conveyed through the weakening of the side walls while the sense of eeriness, I wanted to liken it to the environment to the sewage pipes, the darkness and confinement and thus, i constructed a network of 'pipes' to show the interconnectivity of alleyways in sydney.
However, the model did not turn out as wanted. The Playdough dried out in the process and remained difficult to shape and use. It also tends to smudge and leave dirty residue on the walls and the base. What I learnt in this week’s studio is rather than treating the base as a board, it can be used as the model itself, exploring and confusing of what is above and underground.
In brainstorming and construction of the collage, an overwhelming feeling towards the past few weeks was frankly of desperation and confusion. Desperation due to the fact that we were given limited time and trying to make something out of nothing, and confusion in the required tasks. Thus in this final model I try to blend this feeling with the supplied word of freedom to make a 3d representation of this workshop.
To illustrate my idea of making something out of nothing, I thought I would start off with a hole; a nothing. Then as each week's gain in experience and knowledge, I would begin to build upon it, step by step, into bigger and bigger rings of understanding. Through this, my thoughts can expand into unlimited range of possibilities, and into a world of freedom. Moreover, i left 2 uncompleted 'steps' to illustrate the ongoing path of learning throughout life
Through this model, I've learnt more of constructing balsa wood techniques but also experimenting different ways of joining and cutting them. Also, it made me discover ways of bending balsa wood and more painfully, the power of superglue.
Reflection on Modelling workshop
The workshop has brought me a handful of new skills in modeling. It has given me the opportunity to experiment on different materials and experiment different ways of assembling the model. I feel that through this workshop, I hav become a core competent in making models and expressing my ideas and thoughts into a 3d plane.
Thanks to both Nicolina and Helena who has given me helpful advices to help push my model to the ‘nth degree’